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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting a Car is Not Impossible

The global economy is on a big crunch and everyone can feel its effects. With delayed benefits and massive layoffs, it gets harder and harder to make both ends meet. Because of this, payments on credit cards and other loans by the average John Doe may sometimes get delayed, causing a big dip on his credit scores.

Loan applicants with low credit scores find it harder to get loans because they are deemed to be of higher credit risk based on the standards of most financial institutions. Those who fall under this category usually cease from applying for more loans right away.

But then, with respect to the current times, there are some things which one cannot live without. For people who live in country or those who work in the city but live somewhere out-of-town, access to mass transportation is very limited. Thus, having a reliable means of transportation becomes a necessity. But what does one do if he is just an average wage earner, hit hard by the economic crisis, badly needing a car, and got his auto loan application rejected?

There is an answer: a second chance auto loan. This is basically the similar to a regular auto loan, except that it comes with a higher interest rate in order to account for the higher credit risk. This allows a person with a low credit rating to be able to get a car, albeit at higher periodic payments. Nevertheless, this is a glint of hope for those who have already given up. It actually is.

One precaution must be taken before going any further, though. The loan applicant must do some research before going straight to a company that offers such loans. A lot of these companies offer this service just for the sake of making money, without consideration for the actual ability of the client to pay back. In short, this financial instrument is a double-edged sword if not done right.

So if you were someone who wants to have a car, ask yourself: How badly do you need it? If you really do, study all the options and ask experts. No matter how we put it, this is a chance to change your life… for the better.

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