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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Golden Trash?

Do you have a gold earring with no pair or broken gold brooch that now out of style? If you think that those pieces would not benefit you anymore, think again.

Since the beginning of time, gold has been an important part of trade. It is mixed in coins, jewelry, home accessories and dining utensils. It is also one of the most expensive of metals. During the past years, the price of gold has steadied if not continually increased. Now it is easy to convert broken and unwanted pieces into cash. Online buyers are waiting to buy them at competent prices.

Getting rid of some extra things and profiting from it does not sound bad, does it?

Instead of mining for gold which would require expenses in the billions, not to mention the damage it would do to the environment, jewelers are now opting to just buy gold from those who have “unwanted” pieces and then refashion it. This is now the emerging trend in jewelry making that is proving to be time and cost-effective. It also provides a venue for people to get more out of their jewelry investments especially during these hard times.

However, it is important that one makes sure that the buyers aren’t scammers, especially those online. A number have fallen victims to fake buyers or those that do not pay your jewelry’s real worth, while some do not even bother paying at all. Hence, it is easy to confirm their legitimacy by calling references such as the bank and gold buyers associations. If this shows to be too difficult to do, simply browsing through public forums is a good step to take.

It is also advised that you have your pieces appraised by jewelers for more information on how much your pieces would fetch.

A word of warning though: one cannot expect the buyers to pay at market price. It will be somewhat lower but will still manage to earn you a tidy sum nonetheless.

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