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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tools? What Tools?

It is amazing how man has gone this far. From the times when we lived in caves – when we were at the mercy of nature – man has found very innovative ways on how to get around it. We call them “tools.”

We live each day without even noticing the innumerable comforts that surround us every second. We woke up because we’ve heard the alarm. We had a nice shower because of warm running water. We arrive at work fast because of the automobile. There seems to be no task which can be done without using something to do it. Heck, we even use pens and paper to think!

We take all these stuff for granted; maybe because we have grown too accustomed to having them at our disposal at any time of any day. We think of them as normal parts of our lives. It is as if they were created alongside the pet cat and that noisy parrot on the neighbor’s porch. I mean, unless one works for Home TV Shopping, no civilized man in his right mind would gasp at the sight of a shovel!

If someone with the least sense of wonder would just look at a computer chip, he would ask, “What was used to make this chip?” After some more thinking, he would then say, “So that’s what’s used to make that, but what was used to make that one in the first place?” The question goes on and on until he asks, “So what was first thing made that was used to make something else?”

Let us look back a little at history. How did it all start? What was the first tool?

After some research in the internet and in the public library, it is said that the first tool ever used by man was a simple wooden stick. Yes, it is far from glamorous – it is nowhere near the grandiosity of a mobile phone, an iPod or a notebook computer – but can’t you help but wonder how far man has gone? How did he gradually hone his craft? How did he improve technology from the most crude to the most mind-boggling?

So next time you wake up, look around you. The world, if seen with the right kind of eyes, is not as boring as it seems.


Author's Note:

This work was written by the author for a client. Please check the copyright notice below.

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