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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life Without a Lawnmower

Yes! A Lawnmower. Wwwhat?!

On one clear day when my mind was blank, I suddenly asked myself, “What if there were no lawn mowers?” I was surprised. Can I possibly ask a question more mundane than that? Of all the things that I could have asked myself, why in the world would I bother thinking about lawn mowers?!

Then there came a thought – why do people have lawns anyway?

I looked at my neighbor’s house. They have a wide, green, and well-manicured lawn. Their house is quite simple – a one-storey dwelling with two rooms, sprinkled here and there with some furniture, a TV set, a stove and a small fireplace. It was a normal-looking middle-class home. It is safe to say that there really isn’t anything special about the house per se.

What I wonder, though, is whenever I pass by that place every morning on my way to work, I cannot help but smile a little because no matter how typical, how “everyday” the house itself looks, the place, somehow, still radiates an aura of peace and quiet. I do not know my neighbors personally; I have never met them, so there has to be something in that area that is not human which makes things more than what they are supposed to be.

The lawn. What?! Yes, not aliens. (Darn!)

It’s well kept. It’s green. It gives every passerby a feeling of warmth and tranquility, after seeing a small patch of nature in an often-overdeveloped surrounding. Everywhere one looks there is concrete, there is glass, and there is garbage and pollution. By seeing even a small replica of how simple and how beautiful the land once was, one will sometimes unconciously remember the good memories of the past – when one was still a kid playing on the soft grass with other children, or that birthday party he had when he was still ten.

The Lawnmower. Without it, that oasis in the middle of a concrete desert will cease to be what it is. Without it, what would have given someone like me a reason to smile every morning will not be there anymore. I guess, even with the seeming dullness of that device, the “uninteresting-ness”, with it comes the possibility of making someone, like me, smile even for just once.

After thinking hard and writing my thoughts down, after looking for hours at my neighbor’s lawn, I looked at mine and something struck me:

“Nooo! I don’t have a lawn mower!”


This post was written by the author for a client. Please read the copyright notice below.

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